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Il trattamento della stomatite aftosa ricorrente resta ancora non specifico e si basa principalmente su dati empirici. Gli obiettivi della terapia sono la gestione del dolore e della compromissione funzionale sopprimendo la infiammazione, nonché ridurre la frequenza delle recidive o di evitare l’insorgenza di nuove afte.

Per le forme comuni opzioni standard di trattamento topico che forniscono sollievo sintomatico comprendono analgesici, anestetici, antisettici, agenti anti-infiammatori, steroidi, sucralfato, tetraciclina locale.

Nei casi resistenti o con coinvolgimento sistemico un adeguato trattamento sistemico può essere selezionato da un ampio spettro di immunomodulatori.

Skin Therapy Lett. 2008 Sep;13(7):1-4.

Current concepts in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

Altenburg A, Zouboulis CC.

The treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) still remains nonspecific and is based primarily on empirical data. The goals of therapy include the management of pain and functional impairment by suppressing inflammatory responses, as well as reducing the frequency of recurrences or avoiding the onset of new aphthae.

For common forms of RAS, standard topical treatment options that provide symptomatic relief include analgesics, anesthetics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory agents, steroids, sucralfate, tetracycline suspension, and silver nitrate.

Dietary modifications may also support therapeutic measures.

In resistant cases of benign aphthosis or aphthosis with systemic involvement, appropriate systemic treatment can be selected from a wide spectrum of immunomodulators that include colchicine, prednisolone, cyclosporine A, interferon-a, tumor necrosis factor-a antagonists, antimetabolites, and alkylating agents.